A wellness magazine for actual grown-ups.

Mental Health

Get a sense of calm, one day at a time
Mental health
Naomi's Playlist: Holiday Rock (and Soul) Edition
It's a wrap! This playlist has classic favorites as well as newer indie rock and soul entries into the holiday song canon. 
Puff or Pass? The Latest on CBD and Cannabis for Menopause Relief - Stripes Beauty
Mental health
Puff or Pass? The Latest on CBD and Cannabis for Menopause Relief
Is cannabis ideal for helping people going through midlife hormonal changes? The jury is definitely still out.  
Music Makes Menopause Better: Naomi's Party Playlist - Stripes Beauty
Mental health
Music Makes Menopause Better: Naomi's Party Playlist
Did you know that music can help your menopause symptoms? It’s not just the power of a good groove – it’s science. 
If anxious thoughts about (peri)menopause or midlife have you on edge, there’s a lot you can do to self-soothe. (Pavel Danilyuk/Pexels)
Mental health
High (Menopause) Anxiety! Techniques to Help You Cope
Understanding how anxiety works can give you a sense of agency (and help you reorient yourself when you’re struggling). 
While fewer than 200,000 cases of early menopause are reported every year, it can be unexpected — and come with its own set of health challenges. (Shvets Productions/Pexels)
Mental health
Can Stress Affect Early Menopause?
While fewer than 200,000 cases of early menopause are reported every year, early menopause can be unexpected — and come with its own set of...

Stripes is your safe haven

Let’s change the conversation around the change

Stripes is your safe haven

Let’s change the conversation around the change

In partnership with the biotech company Amyris, Stripes created a line of holistic, science-backed solutions that promote overall wellness for people experiencing menopause. Our active ingredients are sustainably sourced and created to be good to both you and our planet. 


Menopause affects each of us differently, which is why we designed Stripes to be inclusive of all people who experience it. When we make space for each of our unique journeys and needs, we create a collective wisdom that strengthens, empowers, and unites us all.


Stripes is not an anti-aging brand. Rather, we believe in aging well, with ease, and with pride. We promote solutions that help people navigate and mitigate the natural transitions that occur before, during, and after menopause. Growing older is a privilege that we both nurture and celebrate.